LOST Episode 512 Review

Proletaria-Tron- Hey an episode that had a purpose!! and no Kate!! That already makes this episode a hell of a lot better than the last one.  Really thought this episode was pretty good. We got a few answers about events in previous episodes, we killed off some unnecessary characters, and we got a little island history. All of that adds up and seems to just build more for the next episode.

Locke’s newest personality style is the most bad ass yet. He seems to just be having a good time seeing Ben squirm as he goes to the monster to get judged. I guess in a way we get an answer as to what the Smoke Monster is, or at least where it comes from. I was kind of hoping it was going to kick the shit out of Ben, that’s just fun to watch, but instead we got to see Alex toss him around…which just seemed odd. However, we did finally find out that it was Desmond who beat the fuck out of Ben before they got on the plane and that makes me happy. I still think Desmond is the best character on the show.

There was a whole lot in this episode that seemed a little off to me and makes me think the writers are pulling this stuff out of their ass as they go. Widmores whole timeline just doesn’t seem to fit, I know that time is fucked on this show but it all seems really off like they decided to make him a central character after they’d already developed him as Penny’s dad.  Regardless, this was a good episode especially after that shitstorm Kate-centric one last week. Next weeks shaping up to look good too with another Hurley/Miles team up.

What do you think Arse-Bot?

Arse-Bot- I thought the episode was really good as well. I think this was the first episode this season that I was pretty much captivated throughout the entire thing. I felt like there was actually progress made during this episode and that the writers are gearing up to give us some real solid answers in the next few episode (the elluded to a bunch being answered next week, but we have already commented on how misleading these episode previews can be)

I am 100% on board with Locke turning into a dick and manipulating Ben the way Ben manipulated him, and even just being straight forward about it, pretty much saying, “How does it feel to be fucked with all day every day?” I think they have really created a new and interesting dynamic between these two again and I look forward to that be explored and how Sun, if at all, will be affected by this. Speaking of Ben, it was awesome to see that baller Desmond kick the shit out of him. Desmond has always been one of my favorite characters and I hope we get an episode about him coming up here pretty quickly.

I agree that Widmoore’s back story seems a little forced, but it wasn’t too hard for me to buy in on it, and I think it makes for some interesting messes off the island with Penny and Desmond, so I’m okay with it. Ben going into the temple and us seeing where the smoke monster came from was nice, while it didn’t tell us what it is; for some reason for me it was just nice to get one answer about that damn thing.

Overall a great episode and next week’s looks to be good too!