LOST Episode 510 Review/Recap

Arse-Bot – ABC needs to do a better job of conveying what’s REALLY going to happen “next week on LOST”. There is no need for false advertisement of big fights and battles, it’s LOST… if you’re watching it you’re going to watch it no matter what. While I feel like this episode wasn’t what I was expecting, I still enjoy it. I liked the focus on Sayid, he has always been one of my favorite characters so I never mind an episode focused on him and his shinanigans.

I do hope they start to touch on exactly WHY the O6 needed to come back to the island, because it seems like all they are doing is messing shit up, and judging by next week’s episode, that seems to be the theme. The O6 were told to go back to save their friends, but they were never told why or how and now they are back with no game plan and Sawyer and Juliet having to cover for them (which seems like that won’t be lasting too much longer either).

Sayid has been through a lot, and it was only a matter of time before even he broke down. You can see that his returning to the island has profoundly affected him in a negative way; and while this manifested itself by Sayid putting a slug right in creepy 12 year old Ben’s chest, we all know no one ever stays dead on the island…

Proletaria-Tron – This episode was pretty good. Because of the previews I felt like it was all buildup once again, until the end of course. I was a little annoyed how they played out all the previews to make it look like some big battle was going to ensue between the Hostiles and Dharma. And a battle between Kate and Juliet but neither happened. Fuck you ABC. However, the episode was still good. Jack seems to like his new role of not being a leader. Hurley works in the kitchen and thats perfect and Kate gets to see the woman who took her man every day. Here’s hoping she kills herself.

Sayid as a prisoner was decent. Mostly I liked it becuase we got the flashbacks to  see how the hell he ended up on the plane which was very entertaining. Especially seeing him drink a certain Scotch. But we all know the best part was when Sayid finally figured out why he was there, and if you didn’t see that coming just a little bit you need to pay closer attention.  Creepy little Ben thinks Sayid is going to help him leave Dharmaville so he sends a flaming fucking van into a building…not real subtle but whatever gets the job done. So Sayid escapes and runs into Jin because nothing is ever easy on the island. However he gets a gun and…bullet right into little Ben’s chest. Fucking awesome!!

Things can always get more awesome from here. Especially because Desmond has to come back soon and he is a bad ass.