LOST Episode 508 Review/Recap

Plot Points –

  • Locke appears to have remedied the time traveling issues of Sawyer and company.
  • “Whenever” in time the islanders are, they are stuck there (1974)
  • The Dharma Initiative and The Others have a rocky truce.
  • For the last 3 years Sawyer, Juliet, Miles, Daniel, and Jin have been living on the island circa 1974 as part of the Dharma community.
  • Sawyer is reunited with Jack, Kate, and Hurley.

Arse-Bot – Well. Shit. I spent a lot of the first 3/4 of this episodes wondering “What the hell?” Just as I thought we were getting some insight LOST goes and turns itself on its fucking head. Sawyer and company have been living in the 70’s for the last 3 years?! I think that the whole dynamic of all the relationships that have been established the last several years are about to blow up. Sawyer, Juliet, Miles and Daniel have assimilated themselves into the Dharma community over the last three years so you know there are a going to be alliances and friendships there that conflict with the returning O6. So, now among other questions in my mind, I am asking myself, “What now?” What’s going to happen now that some of the O6 have returned?! Unfortunately, looks like we have to wait 2 weeks to continue finding out more…

Proletaria-Tron – Jesus Robot Fucking Christ, what happened to answers? This whole episode seemed like nothing but filler. And honeslty how many fucking times do we need to see somebody giving birth on this show? Ok so we get to see whats going on at the Dharma Initiative,  but we barely got to see any of it. Really this episode didn’t do much except show that Sawyer and Juliet are fucking so that Kates annoying ass can come back and ruin it. I really hope that all the rumors are true and they are going to kill Kate because her character is extremely boring. Hopefully the new episode we have to wait 2 weeks for is a lot better.