LOST Episode 506 Review/Recap

Plot Points – Jack, Kate and Hurley made it back to the island, Jack was fine, Hurley was drowning and Kate was unconscious on the rocks.

Eloise Hawking has a room with a pendulum built by Dharma specifically for finding the island as it appears in windows in time. This is how they are going to get back.

John killed himself. We find out why next week.

In order for everyone to get back to the island they have to recreate the flight as much as possible.

Sayyid got arrested and for some reason Hurley changed his mind and got on the plane.

Jin works for Dharma on the Island and packs an AK.

Arse-Bot –Well, on the plus side the first 15 minutes of this episode was pretty information heavy and we actually got a few answers about the island, the time traveling and in theory how some of it works.
The rest of the episode was a little slow moving for me, but I found a lot of the interactions between the O6 pretty interesting and am looking forward to what the shit Ben got all bloodied up for and where Aaron ended up! Not a whole lot else left to say about this episode, pretty much all build up to them all getting on the airplane and ending up back on the island. I am looking forward to next week and finding out about Locke’s death!

Proletaria-Tron – Pretty much have to agree with you Arse-Bot. Lots of info and a few interesting things. Hurley carrying around a guitar case makes me think in a later episode we’ll see a flash back of him getting convinced to get on the plane by Charlies ghost. And we’ll figure out why Sayyid got arrested. I’m betting Ben got him arrested and maybe that has something to do with him being all bloody and shit. Aarons gone which is fine with me becuase he was boring and just served to make Kate more boring. All she does anymore is cry or bone Jack. Now that they are back on the island she can cry, bone Jack, and bone Sawyer. Desmond got the fuck out because he doesnt want to go back to the island, we all know he will though. Really the most interesting thing about this entire episode was that we got a preview of next week where we find out what the fuck Locke was doing. Shitty part about that is it will now take two weeks to find out what the fuck Jin was doing working for Dharma in the hippie van driving around with an AK-47!! Damn you Lost! Damn you to Hell!