LOST Episode 504 Review/Recap

Plot Points –
Charlotte didn’t die (unfortunately), but Miles and Juliet are starting to show the same symptoms

Sayid shows off his badassness some more

Islanders are starting to travel to times they have already lived; Sawyer sees Kate delivering Aaron

Jack and Kate reunite and follow “The Lawyer” who leads them to Claire’s mom. She actually had no clue about Aaron, just happens to be using the same lawyer to sue Oceanic Airlines

Dan the Lawyer is Ben’s lawyer, who, of course opened the custody case against Kate and Aaron

Some French people find JIN! One of which is none other than Danielle!

Jack, Sayid, Kate, and Ben meet up at the peer and Sun is about to go ape shit on Ben and/or Jack over Jin’s “death”!

Arse-Bot- While not a whole lot was revealed in this episode, I still thought it was fun and exciting. I was happy to see more of Sayid being a badass, he has always been one of my favorite characters.
Just as I thought the lawyer had been hired by Ben, I’m sure to help “persuade” Kate to come back to the island, but looks like trying to get Hurley is going to be a challenge.
Mean while back on the island the Islanders are traveling through time still, but I like the fact it is starting to intersect with key events from the past, some that we’ve seen before, others (like Danielle’s arrival) we haven’t. I think this can all be interesting for a while, but like I said, I hope it’s not a whole season of it. I wonder what’s going on with all the others that were left behind though! And who will be the first one to kick it due to the extreme time-travel jet lag!?
JINNNN! Yes! Also one of my favorites! I was so bummed to see him blow up, so I am psyched that he is back! He has a lot of catching up to do. I always thought he was one of the characters who has grown the most while on the island and has gone through a lot of emotional shit (like finding out Sun cheated on him) while on the island and has gone from stubborn asshole to one of the best people on the island. Can’t wait for next week! But who can?!

Proletaria-Tron- If the next episode is as boring as this one I can wait for a long time. Boring!!!!!! Sure Sayid choked a guy but meh. Oooh the night Locke cried and the hatch turned on…boring. Ooh Sawyer sees Kate and gets all mopey…boring.  Ben hired the lawyer!! Oh wait, any one with an IQ above room temperature would have figured that shit out. Oh the people on the island found a french wreckage which instantly made me think that Danielle was the girl on the boat and it was. And she looked fucking weird. Although I’m pretty damn happy Jin is back. Jin and Desmond are the shit. What the hell happened to all killer and no filler for the last two season J.J.???? This episode felt like nothing but filler. Glad I had Scott Pilgrim 5 to read after this boring ass episode.