LOST Episode 503 Review/Recap

Here is your one and only warning. This is a recap with some commentary from myself and Proletaria-Tron, emphasis on the recap. DO NOT read this if you have not watched the newest episode of LOST as this will be spoiler heavy!


We of course started off where we left off last. Faraday has planted a memory for Desmond in the past, telling him to go to Oxford, so Desmond explains this to Penny and it’s off to Oxford they go. During this, Desmond promises Penny that he will never go back to the island, a promise he is obviously going to have to break. Oh, also, Penny and Desmond have had a kid now.

Back on the island Faraday, Charlotte, and Miles are captured by what are revealed to be Others, and Locke, Sawyer, and Juliette have captured two of these Others. The Others are convinced that they are from the US Army due to the fact that they have appeared on the island. Faraday and company are taken back to the Others’ camp where they run into none other than Richard Alpert and, surprise, he’s the same age as always! He asks if they have come back for their H Bomb. Faraday concludes that the housing on the H Bomb has been compromised due to the fact that some have radiation burns and that Miles detected four freshly dead US Soldiers, one of which that had died from radiation poisoning. Faraday convinces Richard to let him try to deactivate the bomb by telling him that it could destroy the entire island and that he can be trusted because he is in love with Charlotte and would never want her harmed…

Back to Desmond. He and Penny travel to Faraday’s University where Desmond finds that he is not on record as a professor. He breaks into Faraday’s lab in the attic only to find it all old and dusty and covered up. Which raises the question, in what year did Desmond visit Faraday, and how old is Faraday exactly? A man catches Desmond in that attic and pretty much just tells him to leave, but not before telling Desmond that Faraday disappeared after “…what he did to that poor girl.”

Back on the island once again, Juliette convinces one of the captured Others to take them to their camp and that she knows Richard. As the Other begins to tell her, the other Other kills him and runs off. Locke refused to shoot him because he is “one of his people.”

Desmond tracks down Theresa (that “poor girl”, who was involved with Faraday), only to find that she is pretty much comatose, only to wake up on occasion thinking she is different ages, sometimes she’s 3, other’s she older. During this conversation with her nurse, Desmond finds out that Charles Widmore was funding Faraday’s experiments and was fitting the bill for Theresa’s care. Desmond leaves, to go find Widmore…

Back on the island Locke, Sawyer, and Juliette have obviously followed the escaped Other back to the camp. Locke leaves to find Richard, Juliette and Sawyer leave to “rescue” Faraday who is being lead to the H Bomb to diffuse it. It is revealed to some of the one of the Others that Faraday and company are from the future, and not to worry about the H Bomb, just patch it with lead on concrete and bury it because the island is still around “50 years from now.” Sawyer and Juliette show up, disarm the Other, and find out about the H Bomb. Meanwhile, Locke finds Richard, tells him that Jacob sent him, and proceeds to explain about their time traveling problems. While trying to convince Richard he is harmless, we find out that… are you ready? The escaped Other from Sawyer and company is none other than a YOUNG CHARLES WIDMORE! Charles Widmore is a Goddamned Other!!?? Holy shit! During his conversation with Richard, Locke tells him to visit him as a kid to prove his time traveling story, which, if you remember from a few seasons ago, he does. Locke asks how to get off the island and Richard explains that it’s privileged information. Before Richard can tell Locke how to get off (if he was even going to), they shift in time again.

Desmond goes to Widmore and asks where he can find Faraday’s mother. Widmore eventually tells Desmond that Faraday’s mother lives in LA. As Desmond is leaving, Widmore explains to Desmond that he is getting involved something that has been going on for many, many years, and wherever he and Penny are hiding they should stay there. Widmore has not talked to them for three years. Desmond leaves and goes back to Penny. He lies to her, tells her Faraday’s mother is dead in an attempt to just forget all this. Penny calls him on his bullshit and tells him that Faraday will keep sending him memories and he will be unable to forget them. She tells Desmond that her and their son, Charlie, will accompany him on his journey.

At the end of the episode, after those on the island time travel again, Charlotte spazzes out with blood coming out of her nose and mouth and hits the ground. Looks like she’s a gonner. Hard cut to black, LOST title, roll credits!

Arse-Bot – Oh LOST, how I love thee! This was of course a great episode, and towards the middle of the episode is when I thought the tension really started to pick up after a slightly slow start. I like the time travel stuff right now, but I hope they don’t keep it up for too long and make things too convoluted and possibly start retconning elements from the past; for now, I am okay with it and find it very interesting and entertaining. I have been on the edge of my seat for all three of these first episodes so far and think it’s only going to get better and more intense! And come on! Young Widmore?! Widmore an other?!

I found the interaction between Widmore and Desmond less confrontational than I thought it was going to be. Widmore apparently is actually bothered by the fact that he hasn’t heard from Penny in years, even though she has made her choice and chosen Desmond over her own father, I expected him to be more cold and violent, than asking about Penny and actually giving Desmond the info he was looking for. Also, I can’t wait for more explanation as to why Desmond is “special”! Anyways, I can’t wait for next Wednesday when it looks like out time traveling islanders cross paths with some of the O6 from the past! Ohhhh shit!

Proletaria-Tron – Well shit, Lost gave us answers!! After only one episode of making us wonder what the fuck?? They let us know that the flaming arrow shooting bastards are the Others in the 1950’s led by the ageless Mayor of Gotham. I’m going to go ahead and speculate that Richard, Faraday, and the old lady in the Church at the end of episode 2 of this season are all connected and/or related. Finding out who the Others were was great, finding out Widmore was one is fucking awesome. I’m not gonna lie Locke is boring me lately. I’m much more interested in whats going on with Billy Pilgrim, I mean Desmond and everyone else back on the main land.

So while we got some answers I’m even more interested as to why the Others dress in uniform and how fucking long they’ve been on that damn island. Also I wonder if Richard has 4 toes, because according to Juliet, he’s always been on the Island. I’m also pretty glad we are cutting to the chase and basically killing off all the un-necessary characters so we don’t have to listen to them whine. Basically this season doesn’t suck at all and I’m excited for next week when Kate decides to go back so she can keep Aaron (we all know thats coming), Sayyid probably kills more people just for fun, and Hurley acts awesome and hilarious.