HyperZord watches TV: Tuesday

Another day and another set of reviews, let’s get started.

No Ordinary Family — This is another super hero show and like most super hero shows it starts out really strong. I really hope that is where the similarities end because I’d love for this show to continue to be good. This is about a family who gain super powers, the dad gets invulnerability and super strength, the mom gets super speed, the daughter gets to read minds and the son gets a super math brain. This is my current favorite show on tuesdays and I really hope it doesn’t become Heroes 2.0

Glee — Everyone loves Glee… except for me. I haven’t yet watched an episode of the second season because I gave up watching it at the end of the first. Now don’t get me wrong, my problem is not that it’s musical show or in the music in any way. In fact most every musical number in the first season was phenomenal. My problem is that the stories are absolutely awful. The show is marred by constant repetition and really awful choices (Every pregnancy story line that was in the first season.) Basically at this point you are either a die hard fan and are sick to your stomach that I dislike the show, or you like me dislike it or are not watching it.

Being Erica — This is a Canadian Television show which airs very late on Soap Net. It’s airing it’s third season in Canada and the second season right now in America. I became a huge fan of this show right from the beginning and will probably watch it until it eventually ends. Basically it follows Erica, a late 20s early 30s girl living in Canada that has a lot of regrets so she enters into Time Travel Therapy. I constantly eat up anything involving time travel so this show delights me beyond reason. If you can get a hold of the first season I recommend checking it out.

Life Unexpected — This CW show follows the lives of a young girl who went through foster care as she accidently gets rejoined with her parents who gave her up for adoption. They are not together nor was the father even aware of his daughter’s existence. This show is into it’s second season and it has an interesting premise. The first season was actually better then I expected and so the second season is much the same. Like many CW shows it’s good to be careful getting into it, but this is one of the few shows that shows any amount of heart. I don’t really recommend this show even though I do like it.

Caprica — Caprica has officially been canceled. Luckily enough however they apparently got word of it’s demise and was able to make a fulfilling series finale. I have not watched it yet but am somewhat excited to see what they do with it. I always thought this show was quite flawed but I am sad to have seen it get canceled.

Warehouse 13 and Eureka — I’m lumping these two shows together because they decided to make Christmas episodes and aired them last night even though the last half of both of their seasons doesn’t start up again until 2011. Both episodes were fun since both of the shows are fun shows. I highly recommend Warehouse 13 to anyone who hasn’t started watching it, and I do recommend Eureka though not as highly.

Parenthood — I am a big fan of Peter Krause since his days on Sports Night up til now. This is why I decided to watch Parenthood. The show is decent, it uses a lot of actors so they don’t all need to do too much, and it is inspired by the Steve Martin movie of the same name. Now in it’s second season it’s basically exactly the same as the first season. I don’t really recommend the show as it is very average, but if you like the actors or actresses I invite you to give it a try.

Raising Hope — I’ve been through about four episodes of this series and have a bit of a hard time with it. It’s a comedy with no laugh track which is nice but I’ve always had a hard time with shows that are on the redneck side. I have an aversion to that type of humor so the show is very hard for me to get into. It has some funny moments and the chick at the store is incredibly attractive. Most people I know love the show and my only real problem with it is my own hang up with that kind of humor.

Running Wilde — The Newest show from the man who brought us Arrested Development. It stars Will Arnett and guest stars David Cross. The show has officially been canceled and will continue to air it’s remaining episodes until it gets to 13 total. This one I wasn’t as surprised with it’s cancelation, it was a fun show but it had a very odd feel to it, not something which would really work in the long run. Still I think everyone should check it out.

Sons of Anarchy — I started watching this show because of how many recommendations I got for the second season. The third season just ended recently and I just barely finished the second season and am one episode into the third. I tend to not really like gang type shows, but this one has captured my attention. Just like everyone says, the second season really ups it’s game and makes the show a lot better. I haven’t heard anything about the third season but will likely finish it in about a month.

That is it for today. Stay Tuned for Wednesday which has the largest grouping of this season.