Four Episodes In: The Onion

Onion News Network and The Onion Sports Dome

First off on IFC we have The Onion News Network and second on Comedy Central is The Onion Sports Dome. I’m reviewing them both in the same article because they are basically the same show.

For those who don’t know The Onion is a fake news source that has been around for 23 years. First in print media, then the internet, then in podcasts and internet video and now in it’s own TV shows. The News program is a bit better then the sports one but only because there is more for them to report on. They have some great continuing stories and I actually think this may be the best medium for The Onion and I’ve been a fan since 97.

The Sports Dome is easier to get a hold of since it’s on Comedy Central and not as many people have IFC, however if you have Comcast it’s currently available on it’s channel 1 and some videos of The Sportsdome as well as an episode or two of News Network is on Hulu.

Basically this show is everything you’ve come to expect from The Onion. If you already enjoy the Onion then this is a show for you, if not then don’t worry about it. Both are worth it though and I’ll watch until it’s over and done with.