Doctor Who – The Fate of the Ponds

Tonight in the U.K. was the press screening for this year’s Doctor Who Christmas special. While there showrunner Steven Moffat let loose some details regarding Amy and Rory, played by Karen Gillen and Arthur Darvil,  for the next series of Doctor Who. He said that the couple would be joining the Doctor in the Tardis again, but their story would come to a heartbreaking end. He wouldn’t say how or when in the next series it would happen, but it would happen in the next series and their story will be done. One last thing Moffat said was that the Doctor would be joined by a new companion, but they had yet to be cast.

When asked if he would be sad about Gillen leaving the show Matt Smith had this to say:

Yes, absolutely…and Arthur. We’ve had the most incredible journey and we took over the show and we really had to sort of hold hands and help each other through it in many ways. So, yeah, it’s very disappointing. But, you know, one has to sort of remember that this show is about change and regeneration and that’s what galvanises it and pushes it forward and it’s about looking forward always

In other news the Christmas special is fast approaching and this preview clip has just hit the web:
