Conan: Return of the Flaming C

I hope you’re watching Conan on TBS. I’ve loved Conan since the mid-90’s when he was on Late Night, in the heyday of If They Mated, etc. I thought his Tonight Show was a little stiff, and so wasn’t surprised at either its lower ratings or eventual cancellation, although CoCo got a bad deal on that.

But his TBS Show has been MASTERFUL. And he’s been leveraging his connections through the WB/TimeWarner empire to his advantage. For example, he has a recurring bit when he visits WB Animation, which sits just across the lot from him. Legendary artist Bruce Timm, responsible for so much good over at WB Animation, sat down with Conan and helped him create his own superhero, The Flaming C.

And now, they keep sending over clips of Flaming C replacing characters in Young Justice.  Have a watch from last night’s episode, then come back. In this clip, Flaming C replaced Superman in a scene from last week’s Young Justice, which we reviewed last week.

If you’re not watching Conan, for shame. You have no excuse if you have either a DVR or a computer, as they always put every episode up online the next morning. And you might otherwise miss things like Conan talking with Chris Elliot last night, and for the first time in history someone said the name “Jay Leno” on Conan. They also talked about Elliot’s new show Eagleheart on [adult swim], which we also highly recommend.

Don’t let George Lopez scare you away. Get on this!

The previous full Flaming C segments are, in order, Conan Gets Animated Part 1 in which he makes fun of DC Comic characters and we meet The Flaming C, Conan Gets Animated Part 2 where we see how far we can take comic characters,  and The Return of the Flaming C in the pilot of Young Justice, which is the only clip that is available on youtube for embedding: