A Former Hero Becomes a Medical Examiner

Masi Oka is best known for his role as Hiro Nakamura on the now-cancelled Heroes.  His character proved to be one of the most popular with fans.  Hiro’s pop culture references and genuine excitement made him endearing, and no doubt Oka fans everywhere are delighting in his return to television. 

He has joined the cast of Hawaii 5-0, and the press release provides information on his character:

Oka’s character, Doctor Max Bergman, serves as the Honolulu County Medical Examiner who performs autopsies and provides forensic analysis to the Five-0 team. A childhood piano prodigy and long-standing MENSA member, Max received his doctor’s license before he was old enough to drive — but they don’t teach social skills at medical school. For all his intellectual gifts, Max is inept when it comes to human interaction, which is why he chose to work with dead bodies. Still, Max has an oddball sense of humor, making him a character who lightens the mood when tensions run high. When Max isn’t performing autopsies, he’s playing piano concertos on the Steinway he has set up in his office.



Oka answered questions during a conference call earlier today, and he likens his new character to a mad professor.  He also describes him as being a mole who hates daylight.  Max resembles Hiro Nakamura in that they are both comedic and socially awkward, but Hiro is more naïve while Max is a savant.  How will Heroes fans react to the new character? “Impossible to really predict anything,” Oka says.  He goes on to say that they are very different characters with different hairstyles.  However, the glasses are very similar.

Hawaii 5-0 has won its time slot for the last 3 weeks, ratings-wise, and Oka thinks its popularity is due to the “nostalgia factor.”  He describes the show as being violent, but smart and sexy, and the good guys and bad guys are clearly defined. 

He mentions that the most difficult part about portraying a medical examiner is putting on the exam gloves.  He hasn’t really prepared for the role other than looking at an old organic chemistry book, but it made him want to throw up.  Oka isn’t very tough when it comes to horror films or blood and guts.  And though he does not use an accent while portraying Max Bergman, he warns that he does probably speak a little funny when trying to pronounce the difficult medical terms. 

Oka began his career at Industrial Light & Magic, the well-known special effects company founded by Star Wars creator George Lucas.  He continues to provide the company with technology, though it’s his acting career that has made him recognizable to fans while he shops at Whole Foods.  He is still adjusting to constantly being recognized. 

He has already taped two episodes thus far, and there is the possibility of appearing in more.  Oka’s first episode “Nalowale” premieres Monday, Oct. 18 on CBS (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT)