The Morgan Threewheeler

The Morgan Motor Company of the United Kingdom makes a lot of unique vehicles with a style that goes back to the 1930’s and their newst venture is no different. The Morgan 3 Wheeler premiered last week at the Geneva Auto Show and I instantly wanted one. With a front mounted S & S V Twin engine putting out 115 hp this “cycle-car” can get up to 120 mph and has a 0-60 time that would make many super cars jealous.

I know this doesn’t seem like the kind of thing we usually feature on BigShinyRobot! but their tagline is what pulled me in “The Morgan 3 wheeler: podracer/fighter plane/speeding bullet or car?” It brought to mind Star Wars, Superman and WW2 all in one line and pulled me in with it. The styling on this thing is just irresistible. It looks fast standing still and immediately I want to jump in and carve a canyon road with it. I can think of a few roads in southern Utah that would make many of you feel just like Anakin in a podrace. Flying past the red rocks in this thing would be amazing, now I just need to scrape up an extra $40k and get one from one of the few American dealers.

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