Google Maps 8-bit Beta shows Geeky Promise

Google Maps premiered a brand new beta functionality today that allows you to search areas and map out directions in 8-bit. Although in Beta, it shows some seriously geeky promise and is probably the coolest thing any travel/map website has done to date!

When you enter into the beta, the world comes up in brilliant, 8-bit glory. If you look at the United States, for instance, mountain ranges are brought up as little peaks and major forests appear as the cute little trees reminiscent of the first Final Fantasy. The colors are classic and even the little street view icon looks like an old-school, 8-bit warrior.


Coincidentally, I am currently half-way through re-locating across the United States to Los Angeles, California from my former home in New England. At this very moment, I’m at a hotel in Nebraska, so I thought it would be fun to check out my journey in this new 8-bit version. To put my review simply, I think this is unbelievably cool and wish I could make my Garmin GPS go 8-bit for the rest of the journey! The street-view is still a bit ugly (they’re obviously trying to find a good way to render street-view in 8-bit and it must be tough), but I have faith that even that aspect will come together once this officially “launches.” A big high five to whoever at Google came up with this, and thanks to Google for allowing their team to remain innovative and awesome.

Check out the amazing (possibly April Fool’s Day inspired?) promo video here and then head on over to Google Maps to give it a spin!