Go Go Gadget: NVidia GTX 560

If you’re anything like me, you game a lot. You may also be a cheap skate. I love gaming on the PC when I get an opportunity. However, the Macbook Pro that I use for recording a podcast, mixing, and you know my general livelihood doesn’t support gaming as well as I’d like. So I took it upon myself to build a solid gaming PC tower.

The games that have so motivated this build are mainly: Alice: Madness Returns, Duke Nukem Forever, Crysis 2, and the Witcher 2. Granted the latter are already released and doing their thing, but being a cheap gamer. I usually wait for Steam to put them on sale or for the retail process to bring about a price drop. Generally when building a good PC I’ve noticed that one of the most expensive pieces is the video card, especially if you go with the latest released card. Seeing the NVidia GTX releasing a model at $199.99 made my heart skip a beat. There is a heavier duty version that released for $385.00, with more Video Memory and other additions, but even with the lighter model at $199.99 you’ll get the gaming experience you want. The video below shows it all.  What do you folks think? I’d love recommendations for a good gaming machine, or would love to hear what the folks out there are running.