I’m an amateur photographer and my new favorite thing to toy around with is Light Painting. If you don’t know what that is you can check out a few examples of it “>Here, Here, and Here. Basically you open up your shutter for a long exposure and use some kind of light source to write in the air, you know like you did with sparklers when you were a kid.
So I saw this video floating around for a minute and never paid attention to it because the title always said Ipad…I could give a shit less about them but finally Arse-bot sent me a direct link to the Dentsu London blog and the words Light Painting were in the URL, so I pulled it up on my phone and was blown away by how awesome it was. They made a program to Light Paint holograms of characters and words using an Ipad. Its such an original way of doing things I immediately wanted to try it. I expect to see lots of people following suit and upping their Light Painting game after this. Check out the video below and sound of in the comments or forums to tell us what you think.
Making Future Magic: iPad light painting from Dentsu London on Vimeo.