Want Your Car to Sound Like a TIE Figher?

 TIE squadron

This was originally reported in the Examiner.

Fox News is reporting that the European Commission is requiring automobile manufacturers to add noises into their electric cars so that the blind and children and anyone else will know they’re coming.

It’s a pretty common sense request. Where Star Wars fans might get excited is here:

Matthew Reed from Lotus Engineering told Sky News Online how the new Evora 414E Hybrid uses a “futuristic sound a bit like Star Wars.”

Will this open the door to customizable car sounds?  I don’t think it’s any stretch of the imagination to think that in 20 years most (if not all of us) will be driving electric cars and this is an important issue.
Would you want to drive to the sound of the Falcon?  Or a TIE Fighter? Or Sebulba’s Podracer?
I know I would.  Not only would people know a car was coming, they’d know who was coming, too….