PREVIEW: The Clone Wars 5.16 – “The Lawless”

Aren’t you a little short for a Mandalorian?

Prisoner transfer from cell block 1138?

This is not gonna work…

Okay, now that all of that’s out of my system, I’m good. I can’t wait for this episode. And at least a few more years of The Clone Wars!

With Duchess Satine as bait, the vengeful Darth Maul lures Obi-Wan into a trap. Drunk with power, Maul declares himself the true Sith Lord, a claim that will not go unanswered in “The Lawless” airing this Saturday, February 2nd at 9:30am ET/PT on Cartoon Network.

Episode Trivia:

· This episode marks the first appearance of Darth Sidious “in the flesh.” In all other appearances, he has been a hologram.

· Obi-Wan Kenobi is wearing his Rako Hardeen disguise (from Season Four’s “Deception” arc) when he arrives on Mandalore.

· The much battered Twilight now sports a cartoonish illustration of Anakin as a boy Podracer pilot, with Aurebesh text that says “WIZARD!!!” The Twilight has not been seen since Season Two’s “Children of the Force.”