Darth Maul Returns!

Entertainment Weekly has the exclusive and a first look, but Darth Maul is BACK!

Coming to us in Spring 2012, the one thing we were all most excited about that was hinted last season is coming true. Presumably, Savage Opress finds his missing brother and he survived being cut in half on Naboo.

I really can’t begin to tell you how excited this makes me.

You can go to EW and watch the clip here.

The video is fantastic.

They have an interview with Dave FIloni who, in classic Filoni form, uses classic Star wars logic to explain his point. I can’t tell you how fun it is talking to Dave Filoni because of it. Here’s a snippet:

Fans will note that there is precedent for this kind of resurrection. “The Dark Side of the Force is the path to many abilities some consider to be…unnatural,” Darth Sidious says in Revenge of the Sith. Sidious and his master found a way to use the Force to cheat death—that’s how he was able to keep Vader alive after that little swan dive into a lava field. Couldn’t Maul have picked up on some of that too? Says Filoni, “He’s suffered through a lot to keep himself alive and implemented the training of his master to do so.”

Sadly, we have to wait until spring to see this.