Music Review: Baroness “Blue Record”

This album picks upon the same styling and themes as their previous Red Album, they are something similar to sister albums. With vocals reminiscent to Isis, very minimal and used more to punctuate the songs musically. The music is very well put together, they are a heavier rock band who hits a groove and works the groove the entire song. They also give a good southern feel to the songs, only adding to the older rock ‘n’ roll sound. I really enjoyed the record the entire way through, the songs feel fleshed out, the production and sound quality are top notch. The flow of the album is just keeps you moving, even the acoustic tracks work well in their placement, never distracting or slowing the overall feel of the album. Baroness is fantastic music worth a listen for anyone.

Score – 3.5 / 5

Favorite tracks:

  • Jake Leg
  • A Horse Called Golgotha
  • War, Wisdom and Rhyme

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