CD Review: The Red Chord “Fed Through the Teeth Machine”

All I can say is wow! Now I know this style of metal is not for everyone, but if you fancy yourself a metal fan then you should have this album. From the opening of the cd, they grab you by the throat and don’t let go.. They show more technicality on this album than I’ve heard in a very long time. The song writing is dang near flawless, and the production is there to match. It’s not your typical riff, chorus, breakdown, repeat song structure like so many others in this genere do. Literally what I expected to happen rarely did, sweeping from the left to right channels and back together to emphasize breakdowns. The record flows fantstically, the thrash points countered by the quick solos or amazingly well done guitar sweeps finished by a pinch harmonic. The drumming is, well also amazing. I wonder how much was beat replaced or actually played in the studio, but either way, if he can play it live like that, I want to be there. The vocals are as they always have been for The Red Chord, if you’ve not heard them yet think of a really good mid-to-low-end metalcore singer. It’s nice to see something with overall quality from a tired and saturated scene.

Score – 4.75 / 5

Favorite Tracks:

  • Hour of Rats
  • Tales of Martyrs and Disappearing Acts
  • One Robot To Another

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