CD Review: Between the Buried and Me “The Great Misdirect”

Apologies for the earlier post, it was written in a slight rush and apparently I forgot how to speak my own Language.

In response to those who disagree with the score, I think I was generous, the more I listen to this album, the more I think I should lower it.   An album deserving a 5/5 would be genre defining, “Colors” did this. This album did not.

What do you get when you take fantastically talented musicians who try to show that they’re all deep and talented on the same album? A mixture that leaves only a taste, and has you wondering why certain pieces are over the top, and others buried.

The times when BTBAM are trying  be deep come off wrong. The slower melodic songs on the album seem almost like they are trying too hard to achieve what they want to give us. On the other hand, the long tracks show them doing what they do best, fusing genres and styles together with the best of them. You get the heavy metal-core vocals matched over solos or a jazzy styled picking, returning to the heavy breakdowns.

During the heavier songs they slow down a bit and put some melody in there, but the balance of the song is apparent when they do it. None of the slow tracks show a balance, they just kind of drag. It’s easy enough to skip the slower songs. But once you skip ’em, you’ll have to handle the length of the heavier tracks, the shortest is just over nine minutes long, the longest just over seventeen minutes. The album is, after all, only six tracks. Four long, two short.

If BTBAM is your bread and butter you won’t be disappointed, however, I don’t predict this album grabbing new listeners.

Score – 3.5 / 5

Favorite Tracks:

  • Obfuscation
  • Fossile Genera – A Feed From Cloud Mountain (my true favorite on the album)
  • Swim To the Moon

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