PODCAST: March’s Big Shiny Podcast

This episode features: Zombietron, Kill-Tacular-Tron, Arse-Bot, Mexicus Prime, Proletaria-tron, Swank-Mo-Tron, and special guest and local comic shop badass, Kiley

The March edition of the Big Shiny Podcast features the usual group of assholes you love to hate with special guest, Kiley. In this podcast we run down what’s going on in comics in Marvel and DC, give you some “fun” Ghostbusters “news”, and do our typical recap of movie news. During the second half though, Kill-Tacular-Tron and Kiley – who have both already seen Kick-Ass (assholes) – give us their review and thoughts on the film. Be warned, there are spoilers, so when we say “turn this podcast off now if you don’t want to know anything about Kick-Ass“, take that warning seriously.

Finally, while you are at out iTunes page, be sure to check out the BSR!-exclusive audio-interviews with Mark Millar, John Romita, Jr., Jame Arnold Taylor, and Scot Snyder!

March Big Shiny Podcast

  • iTunes – Be sure to subscribe, rate and comment!
  • BSR mp3 – available shortly