Nov. Big Shiny Vidcast

It’s the November Big Shiny Vidcast recorded live on Wednesday, December 8! Kill-Tacular-Tron, Arse-bot, Zombietron, Mexicus Prime, Proletariatron, and Kiley talk all sorts of geek news that happened in the month of November. We break down “The Walking Dead” finale and first season, tackle another round of Spider-Man casting as well as other geek movie and TV news. Zombietron contemplates exactly how much he likes his Windows 7 phone, Arse-bot gushes about the Roku box and tells you why you shouldn’t by Apple TV, and Kill-tacular-tron breaks down a little video game news. We wrap things up with some figures for you to rush out and buy, and Kiley brings some comics to the table – including one with a cover featuring the Virgin Mary and Joseph eating baby Jesus. Yes, you read that right.

You can also check out past Big Shiny Vidcasts over at our Ustream Page, and all of our Vidcasts are also recorded as regular podcast and are available over at our iTunes page – along with every podcast we’ve ever recorded!

Enjoy, and thanks for watching!