Top 5 couples Part 5

Finally! And just before midnight! Our final couple is more obscure than the others, but just as neat.

I debated with myself a long time last night about this couple. The first four were pretty easy (though I debated a bit on the fourth) but this one? Not that many happy couples in comics, so I was running out of spots. Originally, I was going to do Reed Richards and Sue Storm, but everything I’d seen of the relationship consisted of Reed not paying any attention to Sue to the point where she gets mad at him. And I could not find any romantic scans of those two. At all. Green Arrow and Black Canary? Well, I think Ollie isn’t good enough for Dinah and hate how she becomes his sidekick whenever he’s near, despite the fact she’s a much better superhero, so I couldn’t even fake affection for that. I decided to go more obscure and considered Jaime Reyes and Traci 13, an awesome couple in every way, but they seemed a bit too new and obscure.

Then, I thought of this one. And it clicked. Once again skirting the tragic rule, but hey, they were the most out there of all the choices, and I really liked them together.

So without further ado, the teenage romance of…

Xavin and Karolina

A outside-the-box romance in every way, Karolina is a lesbian alien raised as human and Xavin is a gender queer shapeshifting Skrull, and this is one of the few gay relationships in comics, as well as probably one of the most complex romances.

Despite being from different worlds, and their courtship starting because of an arranged mairrage in an attempt to make peace between their warring worlds, these two truly love each other and have an abundance of sweet moments. Xavin is a rather tightly wound sort of girlguy, and a stranger to earth still trying to figure zirself out, while Karolina is a free spirited hippieish type girl with dead evil parents. But Xavin is totally devoted to Karolina.

The relationship is not without tension. Karolina may not be quite over her crush on her team mate Nico (who, sadly for Karolina, is straight) There’s a bit of oddness in the fact that Xavin flip flops between being a boy and girl and Karolina likes girls only, but Xavin explains it nicely to team member Molly.

Like everything else in Runaways (especially the original Brian K. Vaugn run),  Karolina and Xavin as a couple are interesting, thought provoking and entertaining.

Right now, Xavin has been seperated from Karolina in another attempt for peace in her world, but the two of them are still very much in love, and are sure to be reunited someday. And hey, they got to share a heck of a kiss beforehand.

Those are our awesome comic couples. May they live on and prosper and continue to melt our hearts. As for everyone out there, hope you had a lovely Valentines.