THE WIZEGUY: Be Numinous

I’m a fan of Kickstarter. Platforms like this are a huge opportunity for creative projects that might not see the light of day at traditional mass media outlets. This past week, I received an email to check out ‘The Numinous Place’. Dubbed as ‘a new way of storytelling’, The Numinous Place is a multidimensional work of fiction. Think of it as a ARG (Alternate Reality Game) on crack that actually feels original.

A transmedia cosmic detective story that will include familiar elements of online forums, fictional websites and web based videos, etc. The evidence that will be presented in this immersive experience will feel and look real. Fake security camera feeds, counterfeit newspapers and unsuspecting audio to give the readers a more visceral feeling so that they connect with it, identify with it on a different level. Kind of a see it and believe it perception. An amalgam of death, lucid dreaming and Da Vinci Code-esque mind eff espionage, ‘The Numinous Place’ is ushering in a new era of storytelling unlike anything that has come before it.

‘The Numinous Place’ has less than 48 hours and thirty grand to go in order to hit it’s goal of $75,000. As with most Kickstarter programs, there are various pledge levels all with their own rewards and incentives. With ‘The Numinous Place’, Mark Staufer has created something out of the ordinary and fresh. It’s not just a reinvention of the status quo, it IS it’s own medium.

To see this become a reality, head on over to his Kickstarter site here.
