Ladies and Gents will that special nerdy someone not settle for chocolates on Valentines Day? We all know the person, something isn’t going quite their way, a friend crosses them, and instead of working it out they fall to their knees and scream, KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHN! Have no fear, we here at BigShinyRobot have your back, even if your loved one gets defensive about who shot first, these ideas will help you out.
- Back to the Future: 25th Anniversary Trilogy (+ Digital Copy) [Blu-ray]
— If your significant other doesn’t own this, they’ll want to, trust us, I want it. For a mere $44.99 you can be Valentine of the year.
- PSN Network Card — We all know digital distribution is your Nerd’s greatest desire, help them pick up some software on the PSN..erm excuse me, SEN
- Microsoft 1600 point Xbox Live Card — Not all gamers are Sony kids, give them an opportunity to digitally spend on Microsoft, for a scant $19.99.
- Zombies!!! 2nd Edition
— This board game based on inner city survival and screwing your opponent is a blast, and you can play with your nerdy counterpart, BONUS!
- Star Wars: The Original Trilogy (Episodes IV – VI) [Blu-ray]
— If your nerd is like a large chunk of the community, then the prequels never happened, calm down Swank, we still love ya.
- Dr. Who: The Eleventh Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver
— Matt Smith may only have a short time left but that doesn’t mean your nerdy love machine can’t pretend to fix stuff around the house, (god knows we can’t use real tools), or even just battle imaginary aliens, it’s the gift that keeps on giving.
- $19.99 Card for the Nintendo eShop — Why make him leave the house with his gift card, he can snag Pushmo, or any other title, and you’ll get all the gratitude.
- Official Valve Portal Weighted Companion Cube Plush
— Forget teddy bears, get them a plush that matters, what could you do with a companion cube? Keep papers from blowing away in the wind…. keep those pesky switches down so you can get out of your house….kill turrets blocking the local coffee shop? This is useful, you know it is.
- A Spotify Subscription — Maybe you have an audiophile or music nerd on your hands, this is a double win, you can get all those hard drives of music put away somewhere, and they can simply stream music at their leisure.
- Doctor Who Timelord Spinning TARDIS
— It sits on a desk, and floats. What’s better it proves that they have nerdy taste, they may not be a time lord, but they can decorate like one.
There you have it folks, 10 items that won’t destroy your bank, but will still make you girlfriend/boyfriend husband/wife of the year. Valentines doesn’t have to be about buying your loved one an iPad or a PS Vita, but you’re all welcome to send donations my way if that’s your thought, just saying….
Happy Heart Day everybody.