REVIEW: American Horror Story: Asylum 2.9 – “The Coat Hanger”

My AHS review is a little late this week, as it’s taken me this long to have the will power to not post the video I made of me letting loose a six second, heaving, eye rolling sigh as my full review.

I really… I really don’t even know where to start. I don’t think this episode made any kind of contribution to any kind of arc. Dylan McDermott rejoins the series in a flash forward sequence as Bloody Face’s son(*eyeroll*), Lee tortures Monsignor Howard in a baptism well (*raspberry*), and Grace returns from the aliens – not only alive but also nine months pregnant (*”I smell a fart” face*). Dr. Arden believes that the aliens are with them solely because of Kit, and in the only promising development of this week’s episode, The Jude Formerly Known as Sister is now a prisoner, as Demon!Eunice has pinned all of Lee’s shenanigans on Jude. Jude has been stripped of her habit as well, and now has precisely zero craps to give, so I feel that beast mode has finally, albeit quietly, arrived. She vows to get Lana out, but – oh, I forgot to mention – Thredsen was freed from his cupboard and now freely roams the asylum (*just click it*).

I used to marvel at the cinematography and lighting, but I can’t even get into that anymore. I honestly can’t decide if it’s just gone, or if I am distracted by all the chicanery. There has been a large unexplained gap in the present day asylum story. It’s very possible that my point could be proved wrong, but why introduce it only to forget about it? A statuesque, crazy eyed Dylan McDermott was not horrifying, it was hilarious. The torturing of Monsignor Howard by Lee is a certain kind of karma – Howard is in fact responsible for Arden’s stay and may have a deep dark secret left to tell, but there could have been a much better use of irony. Ian McShane’s presence has been nothing but a let down and feels predictable and wildly anti-sinister.

The good! There was some there! A cut to a smoking Lana after she realizes Thredsen has escaped; her cigarette shakes once, then steadies. Nice touch. Very nice. Thredsen’s recollection of his first victim; a contrived metaphor (her skin was like a peach) made curious and new by the performer. I mentioned earlier that there weren’t any plot contributions, but there were certainly contributions to the actors’ award nomination clips. There is some truly sterling acting by Quinto, Lange, and Cromwell. Cromwell is so awesome I’m actually starting to like Arden.

Usually the show gets me with its preview clips. But this week… Will Howard live? Will Grace’s baby be human? Will Thredsen find Lana (probably)… Meh. I will say this – if the current Bloody Face is Thredsen’s grand kid I will set my television on fire.

I need to make a correction from last week’s entry: the show is taking a brief hiatus. I’m going to use this time to rewatch some episodes, read the thoughts of my peers, and regroup and refreshen for the new year and the bottom half of the season. See you then!