Preview John Williams’ ‘Lincoln’ Score

SoundCloud has previews of the seventeen tracks for Lincoln, John Williams’ latest collaboration with director Steven Spielberg.  The soundtrack is now available on Amazon, and the movie is scheduled for wide release on November 16.  Those of you who aren’t watching Breaking Dawn:  Part 2 should go see it.  I actually have to go see the Twilight film, since my co-workers and I have seen all the movies in the franchise the Friday they open.    It’s just a thing we do.  (Please don’t tell Steven Spielberg!)

But, I digress.

Listening to brief snippets of the score, I find it quite beautiful, with a lot of emphasis on piano.  I don’t believe many of Williams’ scores feature piano, so if that’s the case, that’s something new and different.   And though I don’t profess to be any kind of a music expert, I do believe I hear a distinctive violin, as well.  Did I ever tell you about the time I saw John Williams conduct the theme to Schindler’s List?

That violin solo gets me every time.

I can’t wait to see the film and see how the music plays against the visuals.  I imagine this will be one of his more subtle scores, adding delicate ambiance to heavy dialogue scenes rather than thunderous sounds set against epic battles.  But that’s all my own speculation.  Still, I’m pleased with what I’ve heard and no doubt I’ll be adding this soundtrack to my collection.  The tracks are as follows:

1. The People’s House
2. The Purpose of the Amendment
3. Getting Out the Vote
4. The American Process
5. The Blue and Grey
6. “With Malice Toward None”
7. Call to Muster and Battle Cry Of Freedom
8. The Southern Delegation and the Dream
9. Father and Son
10. The Race to the House
11. Equality Under the Law
12. Freedom’s Call
13. Elegy
14. Remembering Willie
15. Appomattox, April 9, 1865
16. The Peterson House and Finale
17. “With Malice Toward None”(Piano Solo)