Pirate Club Webcomic!

For all of you Pirate Club fans out there, Derek Hunter (budgetron) a contributor to this web-site has begun releasing a twice a week web comic for your pleasure. It just went live Thursday, but he included a bunch of old Pirate club stories to catch anyone up whom isn’t familiar with the story. I suggest that you read all of them, and then visit his page twice a week so as to read the fresh new stories. You can do this by going to pirateclub.com or else by clicking the link. How could it get any easier?

I will now post the first page here, so you’ll know what you are missing out on if you don’t frequent the site.

It somehow gets better from there. So you officially don’t have an excuse to miss out!
I have read the whole thing, and I am giving his new web-comic two perfect scores! How many more perfect can you get?