Peter Dinklage joins cast of Bryan Singer’s X-Men: Days of Future Past

Director Bryan Singer just tweeted some amazing news:

This just blows me away. Peter Dinklage is an amazing actor and one of my favorites. And no, I don’t mean he is an amazing actor in spite of the fact he’s a little person. I mean that in my estimation, he is one of the best actors of his generation, and unfortunately he’s often overlooked because of his stature. Quite literally, no one else could do what he does on Game of Thrones, could they? He IS Tyrion Lannister.

Go watch a great indie film called The Station Agent. He is amazing. His scene in Elf? Priceless. Death at a Funeral? Possibly the best part of the film.

Which all begs the question– who is he going to play?

I tried to brainstorm this with Swankmotron, and we had the following exchange:

Citizenbot: Dammit. Doesn’t say who he’s playing. Who could it be? I don’t remember any tiny X-Men?
Not counting Wolverine, of course.
Double Dammit. Now I want to see Dinklage as Wolverine.

Swankmotron: Puck.

Citizenbot: I said X-Men, not lame Alpha Flight.

Swankmotron: Or MODOK

Citizenbot:  …oh sweet merciful gods, please let it be MODOK.
And by gods, I mean “The Lord of Light wants his enemies burnt. The Drowned God wants his enemies drowned. Why are all the gods such vicious c@#$s? Where is the god of tits and wine?”

 Swankmotron:  Alpha Flight would be cool…

Citizenbot: And no. No they wouldn’t. It would be, in the most literal sense, a waste of Dinklage’s talent.

 And scene.

Probability of it being Puck? Not bad. He is a powerful, diminutive superhero, and it is likely Singer has access to all the Alpha Flight characters, given Wolverine’s origins and connections to the team.

MODOK? Less likely. He’s probably still owned by Marvel, as he was always more of an Avengers / Captain America type villain. But how would I love a huge Peter Dinklage head with arms and legs growing out of it floating around menacing everyone.

One other idea: we’ve been promised Sentinels in this movie. Could Dinklage play the voice of the Sentinels, or a Master Mold? Or, could he just be an as-yet named scientist or engineer working on the Sentinel project? Or even Bolivar Trask? Anyone remember that show Threshold where he and Data Brent Spiner were scientists? Like that, but if it didn’t get cancelled.

Anyway, let the speculation begin, and let us eagerly count down the days until both the premiere of Season 3 of Game of Thrones and Days of Future Past.