HtB’s new album is much like their previous nintendo-core, midi-heavy experiments. This one does show a bit more effort into the song writing element. Where not every song is noticeably inter-changeable with one another, they even do slower tracks with stronger song structure as well. They still do their spastic songs quite well, and they do them in a way that never really gets old from album to album. If you’re a fan of HtB they don’t disappoint. Being one who will occasionally break out the Horse the Band albums and have a listen, this album will fall nicely into the collection, and receive the same status as well. The production value of the album is somewhat questionable at times, the mix gets better as the album goes on, it’s either that or I just got used to hearing the toms dominate over everything else in the mix. (over compression? or maybe the engineer couldn’t find the volume fader, either way they should slap him for his tom use)
Score 3 / 5
Favorite tracks:
- The Failure of All Things
- Between the Trees
- Arrive