Mark Dago Freestyles With Public Enemy

Mark Dago is a good friend of the site. He comes to to the Big Shiny Geek Show Pub Quiz every week and he and I have been occupying space at various coffee shops, each of us working on our own novels.

He’s also an accomplished musician, both solo and with a hip-hop act called NUMBS, and he plays plenty of shows in and around the Salt Lake City area. Over the years they’ve gotten the attention of Chuck D and Public Enemy. Chuck D plays his music on his radio show now and again. But it was to Mark’s eternal surprise at the Public Enemy show over the weekend that Chuck D called him up onto the stage out of the blue and had him freestyle, Flava Flav backing them up on drums.

He’s a fan of Big Shiny Robot! and I thought it would be cool to share the video of his freestyle. You should all check out his music if you’re so inclined.