How to Geek Out at the Casino, Go Online

This is a featured post from Jenni Henderson. 

Online casinos have become progressively more popular since they emerged in 1998, and we’ve all heard some very good reasons to switching online – better bonuses, help and support from the company, a huge variety of games – but now we’re going to take a different approach. Why are online casinos so appealing to the geek community? There may be a few reasons.

From Home

Staying at home to play in a casino removes any and all social anxiety you might have. In land-based casinos, you might feel under pressure from other players or the casino staff itself; they will want you to spend as much money as you can. If you don’t want to feel bullied into making risky moves, playing from the safety of your computer is a fantastic way to avoid social pressure and make sure you make no foolish mistakes!

Batman Slot Machine 

Exercise For The Brains

We all know that games like chess, scrabble and even card games like solitaire can help exercise our brains and keep us active, but games like Poker and Blackjack follow the same principal. Not only do they force you to use mathematical skills, but you can practise your bluffing without worrying about anyone else, and the variety of games on alone means you don’t have to sacrifice any precious comic-reading time while trying to find an interesting game. And while land-based casinos have been known to eject players who seem too intelligent, you’ll never face such a problem online.

Practice On Your Console

You might already own a game that allows you to practise your skills for free. The popular Western game Red Dead Redemption holds mini games between the main story missions, including Poker, Blackjack and Liar’s Dice. Grand Theft Auto has always had at least one casino in all of their games as part of the landscape, but since San Andreas these have been playable locations with realistic winnings. Spending in-game money at these establishments increases your character’s gambling skill and most of the games offer roulette, blackjack and video poker among others.

Red Dead Poker

Superheroes Play Poker

…or at least the actors who play them do. Tobey Maguire, best known as the face of a clumsy Spiderman in Sam Raimi’s early-2000 trilogy, is quite the poker pro, winning over $200,000 in tournaments and regularly holding high stakes games at his house for other Hollywood stars. Ben Affleck is also quite the player, but we’ll ignore that he was DareDevil and just focus on his upcoming role as Batman for his geek credentials – Affleck was the first celebrity to come first in a major open poker tournament.

So why not start playing yourself? Some games are good for flexing muscles, other for improving social skills and considering that there is a huge range of themed games revolving around superheroes, you shouldn’t find it too hard to track down a game to your tastes.