Google Doodle honors Moog synthesizers

Just go to Google and play with this thing already. I’ve already wasted 20 minutes on it.  Soooooooo much fun.

For the unitiated, Google’s doogle today honors the Moog Synthesizer and its creator, Robert Moog.  Today would’ve been Moog’s 78th birthday. He died in 2005.

Moog synths hit the street in the mid-60’s, and by the early 70s had become a staple of pop music (for instance, listen to Band on the Run by Paul McCartney for some classic moog synth).  Beyond that, Moog was a genius as an engineer and technician. Making synthesizers popular brought us all sorts of great joy, whether you grew up in the 80s listening to Duran Duran and Depeche Mode or your taste is more The Killers or Florence and the Machine. Most of this would not have been popular without Moog’s first synths.

So get over to Google and play!  You can even record your dittie, link to it, and send it to a friend. If you come up with something good, post it here.