Google Doodle: Akira Yoshizawa

Today’s Google doodle celebrates what would have been the 101st birthday of Akira Yoshizawa, known as the grandfather of origami.  He created more than 50,000 pieces, and his work appeared in 18 books.

In 1998, he was offered the chance to exhibit his work in the famous Louvre museum in Paris.  (Yes, the same museum that is home to DaVinci’s Mona Lisa). He accepted the offer, though that meant having his picture taken with rival origami artists.  Who knew that rivalry existed even in the world of origami?

He never sold his models, but he did give them away as gifts for people, including patients being treated by the army medical corps in Hong Kong, in which he served during World War II.

He died on March 14 (his birthday!) in 2005 from complications of pneumonia.