Glee Cancelled?

In what only seems like FOX not understanding a single person in their audience it seems Glee will officially end at the end of next year’s 4th season. Chris Colfer who plays Kurt Hummel on the show quickly sent out a tweet saying:

I’m sorry fans but it’s true, at least we have one last season to polish things off.

Ian Brennan one of the writers and creators of the show sent out a tweet which was quickly taken down but it’s caused a crazy amount of buzz all over the internet. It said:

They told us it was because our show was becoming too liberal.

The tweet was quickly taken down and replaced with:

We love our fans and we’re going to give you the best final season anyone could ask for!

So what do you think? Is FOX really becoming too conservative? Is Glee too liberal? Can you believe all this hooplah?