Geek Dad Report #4

Well, if you are a football geek, like myself and on top of that a big Pittsburgh Steelers fan, you might have enjoyed the Superbowl on Sunday alongside me.  Sadly, as of this writing, my brief vacation to see the place where I was manufactured originally, has prevented me from watching my Battlestar Galactica. I still weep as I sift over the episode on my DVR, each night this week too entirely full and exhausting to take in that sweet nectar for all its glory.

Loading up my robot family onto a terribly packed flight to Seattle, Wa after finding out that checking in bags now costs 15 dollars a pop didn’t start things off too well.  What am I, a money dispensing bot?  The wifebot and I were a tad overtly prepared.  After numerous calls to the plane company, and TSA, we were able to pack out the preferred lubricants and oils that our handcrafted boy desired.  To provide further stimulation, we lugged a laptop onboard, with an assortment of quality programming we purchased solely for this trip that were surefire bets calm the little one from electrical overload.

He was in sleep mode within 20 minutes of the flight, and continued until we landed.

Then, to top things off, after we had collected our bags, secured our rental car, I lost one of his brand new shoes somewhere in a parking lot or airport terminal.  Which only served to enrage my wifebot, as we had to go to a mall and purchase a new pair, we could not show off our boybot without SHOES! He hasn’t been introduced to my family in MONTHS! The world would fall in on itself, if our boybot was not in absolute perfection.  Apparently, I am a Money dispensing bot.

After visiting a friend of the wife, who was currently carrying her own brood, which my wife had to give her a large assortment of present for.  We arrived at my old place of living, and talked until our audio sensors were failing.  I’m going to fast forward to my original intentions of this writing, that is the Superbowl.

Best. Game. Ever.  Though, I think comic book guy would disagree.

I’ve been hearing bitching and complaining all over about how the refs favored the Steelers, bleep, bleep, bleep.  The Arizona Cardinals got their fair share of nice calls their way the whole game, mostly with the left tackle #69 holding Harrison all night long.  Speaking of Harrison, I will never EVER find it not comical to watch a big man rumbled down the field in route to a touchdown. Ever.  Being a former lineman, it’s a dream to make it to the end without succumbing to a heart attack or total leg failure.

I’ll admit, I wasn’t closely observing the game like I should have been, I had too much family to talk to, and too many people there I haven’t seen in ages.  If I had, I would have given a better report on the game, but, I can talk about that last four minutes.

You have to hand it to the Cards, they earned respect, with that heart dropping pass and catch to Fitzgerald, I was sitting in silence as my traitor uncles and cousins cheered loudly.  My father, the reason for my fandom, had been standing in solace outside, away from everyone, his nervousness during close games was legendary, he would miss things because he couldn’t even stand the thought of what the outcome might be.  It’s a surprise he can even enjoy the games as he does.

Big Ben capping off that final drive, with the toss to Holmes, was perfect in every way, and it was something that will be shown to my grandchildren one day, that is how epic it was.  After the game, and numerous alcoholic beverages, the wifebot took my birthday money I had just received from my grandparents, and went to an Indian casino with some girl cousins and my sister.  I never did see that money back, as it was all lost, Money Dispenser I truly am.  What did us males do? We played Wii bowling, introducing many to their first ever video game moments.

The next day, we arrived for our flight, assuming things would be as smoothly as before.  How terribly wrong we were.  First, boybot did not want to sleep, nor want food, nor want lubricants.   He wanted us to read terrible dull stories, while both with hangovers and severely sleep deprived.  After a hundred attempts to read a single story, and falling asleep every other page, we finally succeeded in getting him to sleep, then the infernal captain got on the loudspeaker to announce our landing.

At least, going back to the car dragging our luggage, I didn’t lose his shoe this time.