Ender’s Game Photo: Harrison Ford and Ender Face Off

We saw some of the first production images of the upcoming film Ender’s Game back in April, but the most recent picture is far more interesting.  Why?  It’s Han Solo!  Indiana Jones!  Jack Ryan!

Entertainment Weekly has the first look, and they describe the scene as:

Hugo’s Asa Butterfield (right) as Ender, standing in line with other new recruits (a.k.a. “Launchies”) early on at his time in the Battle School. He’s facing off with the imposing Colonel Graff (Harrison Ford) over whether his emails to home are being blocked. It’s telling that the two characters are clashing over communication, since they’ve got major communication issues with each other. In the novel, Ender could never be sure whether Graff was manipulating him, or whether he simply saw great potential in him and wanted to foster it.”

Set to open in theaters November 1, 2013 (just a few weeks shy of Hunger Games: Catching Fire), Ender’s Game is based on a 1985 sci-fi novel by Orson Scott Card.  And if the movie does well, no doubt we will see the sequel books turned into films also.

Do you plan on seeing the movie?  Do you love the book?