CLONE WARS CONTEST: Mark Dago’s Winning Entry

Mark Dago provided one of two winning entries for our Clone Wars contest:

I don’t want the world to get to jaded for “awe.” Maybe when people think of the whole prequels Vs the originals maybe what they are really upset about is their own inability to enjoy the movies like they did when they were kids (on an innocent or sensawunda level). I don’t think of the prequels the same way I think of the original trilogy, because they are not the same.

My 8 year old daughter didn’t gripe about the dialogue or the pick out the flaws in “The Phantom Menace”. She laughed with Jar Jar, marveled at the special effects and got lost in the adventure. It pulls me back to my youth when I watch these movies with her.

I still get a thrill out of a new idea, or a new vision of what the Star Wars universe might be like. As a kid the hearing about “The Clone Wars” or “Before the dark times, before the empire”…was mystical. Granted, nothing that anyone could have done would have matched what I had blueprinted in my imagination. It was magical. That being said, I respect Lucas’ take on the Old Republic.

Sure…in the prequels we had some poodu jokes but we also got Darth Maul (bad ass!), Jedi’s in their prime cutting it up with the villians and “Revenge Of The Sith” which is my second favorite film of the six.

Look…If your sense of wonder dies, that seems like it could ruin a lot of other things that make life worth living. I still want my Star Wars Sensawunda. Seeing places I’ve never seen, learning about technologies that don’t yet exist, watching the “curtain open” and being surprised by what appears and getting lost in the Galaxy Far Far Away… Is this to much to ask?

So how about this…with the upcoming Star Wars based TV series looming over us. What wrter/director combos would you come up with?

Here are my first batch of mashups…

Edgar Wright/Simon Pegg
Robert Rodriguez/Frank Miller
David Fincher/Edward Kitsis & Adam Horowitz
Spike Jonze/Brad Bird
Zack Snyder/Joss Whedon
The Wachowski Brothers/JJ Abraams
The Coen Brothers/Jon & Chris Nolan
Darren Aronofsky/Damon Lindeloff & Carlton Cuse
Guillermo Del Toro/Ronald D. Moore
Peter Jackson/Neal Purvis, Robert Wade & Paul Haggis