Classic Monsters Gallery Stroll

When an art gallery that was awarded “Best Geek Art” in City Weekly’s 2010 Artys announces they are opening a “Classic Monsters” gallery on Friday, October 15, our geekdar tends to spike.

Blonde Grizzly is a local art gallery run by the husband and wife team of Hillary and Caleb Barney that features “geek-oriented” art from both, local and national artists.

It takes a rare gallery to display a children’s figure breathing fire and scorching all in its path, with the clever title “St. Elmo’s Fire” below it; a small sample of the twisted pop-culture art you’ll find on 400 South.

This Friday, October 15, Blonde Grizzly (15 East 400 South Salt Lake City, UT) is opening their “Classic Monsters” Gallery Stroll from 6-9pm MST; the gallery will remain open and run through November 17. One of the local artists you’ll be able to find work from at this gallery is Kat Martin – a friend of BSR! who was kind enough to bring this gallery stroll to our attention. She has produced some fantastic work featuring Wampa, Teen Wolf and Thriller MJ that you can preview over at Kat’s Creepy Art! She has also posted a small preview of what you can expect at this gallery over on Facebook.

If you are a geek, then this seasonally-appropriate gallery stoll will be right up your alley; if you’re not a geek, you’ll probably love it just the same if you are a fan of good art!


What: “Classic Monsters” Gallery Stroll
Where: Blonde Grizzly – 15 East 400 South Salt Lake City, UT
When: Friday, October 15 6-9PM (Runs through November 17)

For more information about Blonde Grizzly:

Blonde Grizzly
Blonde Grizzly on Facebook
Blonde Grizzly Blog
“Best Geek Art” – 2010 City Weekly Artys

To preview Kat Martin’s work:

Kat’s Creepy Art