Butterbeer at Starbucks!

From Hogwarts to Hogsmeade, and personalized wands to Quiddich, a ton of what is magical about the Harry Potter universe is available for the average Muggle to experience at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

Unfortunately, Florida is a long way away, and I don’t have a portkey handy that will take me there on the cheap. Thankfully, Starbucks has made it easy to sample some of what is offered there since they now have the ingredients needed to make a Butterbeer frappuccino that apparently perfectly recreates what is available at the theme park.

According to dalebacar.com, all you have to do is order a grande frappuccino from your friendly neighborhood barista and give them these intructions:

  • A Creme Frappuccino base. Don’t skimp on the fat by asking for skim or 2% milk as whole milk is required for the right consistency.

  • Add 3 pumps of caramel syrup.

  • Add 3 pumps of toffee nut syrup.

  • Top with caramel drizzle

 I tried one out today, and I can assure you that they are quite delicious. While I don’t have a point of reference for what actual Butterbeer tastes like, it matched up with how I imagined it would based on how it was described in the books. Granted, it was pretty much just a toffee nut frappuccino without the coffee base, but leaving out that key ingredient definitely made it a completely different drink.

In any case, if you’re a Harry Potter fan who has always wanted to try this delicacy, run down to your nearest Starbucks and order one today. And if you HAVE tried out real Butterbeer from Orlando, please send us your thoughts on how the two compare!