BSR and Geek Show Giveaway

Derek Hunter of the geek show explained it best:

Geekshow and Big Shiny Robot are teaming up to give 3 lucky winners their very own copy of the new Alan Moore documentary! Big Shiny Robot got some promo copies from Disinformation and are putting together some trivia questions for you to answer at our taping of the geekshow podcast tomorrow night at Brewvies!

We will be at Brewvies by 6 PM tomorrow, (and Kerry, feel free to change this to a more concrete time if you have one) and will do the trivia session between breaks, I would assume. So come to Brewvies and have a beer, or eat some deliscious burgers, but be sure to come prepared and ready to win!

677 South 200 West – Salt Lake City – Utah

If you guys have any specific questions about the offer, ask away!