Bigfoot Found! For reals?

Bigfoot in a freezer

CNN reports that a couple dudes in Georgia claim to have found the body of Bigfoot while out hiking in the forest. They’re keeping it  in their freezer. Apparently these guys have been linked with a Bigfoot hoax or two in the past, but they say this is the real deal. They’ll even let real scientist folk dissect it to double check. Real scientists! What do you think?

What’s up with all the cryptozoology stuff in the news lately? First the Montauk Monster then the Texas Chupacabra and now Bigfoot? One might suspect this is all an elaborate viral promotion for Cartoon Network’s new Cryptids show or a new J.J. Abrams movie. BSR! must get to the bottom of this!

UPDATE (8/20): Turns out it was a frozen rubber suit.  The dudes who “found” it were just after money. Once they got the money, they released the body to investigators then split. Way to go! Douchebags.