Batman Movie Reboot at Least 4 Years Away

As recently reported by IGN, the Batman reboot isn’t going to be released anytime soon — 2017 at the very earliest.  A source from Warner Bros. has apparently told Batman-On-Film that the fate of the Dark Knight rests solely on how well the Justice League movie does in 2015, and that we shouldn’t expect a new stand alone Batman film for at least another few years after that.  This doesn’t mean that a new Batman film WON’T happen if Justice League does horribly; more so that the actor who portrays Batman in that film will most likely not be the one to represent him in the new series of movies.

And speaking of actors rumored to be in talks to play Bruce Wayne, Joseph Gordon-Levitt has officially said that he will not be stepping into the role.  In an interview with MTV, he was quoted as saying, “I don’t think you should believe in any of (the rumors).  If there’s something I’m going to be in, I’m going to tell you about it.”

So what do you think?  Will Justice League come anywhere near the heights of greatness that The Avengers reached?  And what actor should be the one to play Batman in these movies?  Let us know below!