Back from Robot Holiday!

Hello all, we just wanted to let you know that the Big Shiny Robot!s are all back from holiday and will be back to bringing you all the geek news and reviews fit to print.

Swank-mo-tron also wanted to remind you that is having a catch up marathon of Clone Wars so you can keep up with his weekly recaps and reviews of the series (which you can see by clicking the attractive Clone Wars button to the upper-right.) You can also check back every Tuesday for his opinions on the DVD releases of the day.

Mandroid wanted to tell you to look out for this weeks Monitor Tapes on Monday as well, you can see all of his past columns by clicking his attractive button up at the upper right.

We’re also working out the kinks for a Watchmen’s Watchtower column to keep you abreast of the Marvel Universe.

On Mondays, Joey Mousepad will be back in form with his weekly Wii virtual console releases and Budgetron will be keeping us up to date about the latest goings on from the land of the Geek Show Podcast (which you should subscribe to on iTunes).

Weekends will start out with Humanjunk’s TrashTalk column on Saturdays (look out for his piece on The Spirit tonight)…

And, though she’s probably skipping this week since she hasn’t returned from holiday, but our very own CyberNev has carved out Sunday’s for her weekly column keeping us updated on the underage fangrrl corner of nerddom.  Seriously, these are columns you should be reading.

On Wednesdays, Kill-tacular-tron will be giving you the heads up on the coolest things you should be picking up at your comic book store.

And with Lost starting up next month, we’ll be back with our episode recaps and speculations about what the hell is going on.

So, the holiday’s have given us a well-deserved break and a shot in the arm.  There’s a lot to look forward to from Big Shiny Robot! in 2009 and a lot more than I’ve listed here.

UPDATE: We also have a contest that will start tomorrow or Monday and it’s for some pretty cool free DVD’s.  More info soon.