AvX Sweet 16: Schism Bracket

Wow. Paint me green with surprise, as The Hulk SMASHED puny human Tony Stark into submission with a resounding 64% – 36%. Wow. Better luck with that Hulkbuster armor next time, buddy.

And, no surprises here, Cap won over the surprisingly powerful Doctor Stephen Strange, who put up an awesome fight and only lost by a surprisingly close margin of 57%-43%. Regardless, back to the Sanctum Sanctorum with you, good doctor.

And now, onto today’s voting, The Schism Bracket:

This is a real tough one for me personally. I got into Marvel Comics at the height of Chris Claremont’s reign over the X-Men. And just as I was getting to know Nightcrawler and Colossus they were taken down in the Mutant Massacre. Fallen warriors, they were martyrs to my imagination. And then, of course, Colossus’s part in the Legacy Virus. And then there were their appearances in X-Men 2, which remains among my top 5 favorite Marvel movies of all time.

In the meantime Wolverine was the man. He’s the best there is at what he does. I had Frank Miller’s Wolverines, I also religiously collected the new Claremont Wolverine comic that began in 1988 for a couple of years. And Wolverine kind of hit his own apex in the Saturday morning cartoons with the Legacy Virus as well.

And then there’s Spiderman. He’s Spiderman. Also, Ultimate Spiderman was the book that brought me back to comics after almost a decade away.

So, what say all of you? I see four worthy competitors. I think the odds are still in favor of Spidey and Wolvie, but you never know. Nightcrawler is the original **BAMF**  and Colossus is one of the strongest mutants there is. What say you, fans?

Don’t forget to vote here and leave your comments below.