What’s this? Borat and Ghandi to star in a Kids movie directed by the same guy that made Taxi Driver?

This will be quick- but a friend of mine pointed me to this article over at deadline.com about how Martin Scorsese is the works of adapting and directing Brian Selznik’s The Invention of Hugo Cabret. I’ve never read the book but from everything I have seen and heard- its supposed to be quite good. The clincher for me being that it must be good enough for Martin Scorsese to jump on board to direct!

 hugo-cabretThe interesting bit of news in all this is that he’s looking to cast Sasha Baron Cohen (of Borat and Bruno fame) and the impeccable Ben Kingsley in major roles of the film… that alone is something that has my brain gears grinding and working on logistics… I have always been a Kingsley fan (I mean who hasn’t?) and everything I’ve seen Sasha Baron Cohen in proves to me he is not only an extremely talented individual but also extremely smart.

All and all this project is shaping up to be something I am quite excited for… I’m gonna go buy the book now.