Vanity Fair Gives You Good Reason To See Scott Pilgrim

2 weeks after opening Scott Pilgrim Vs The World has made $21.6 million. Thats pretty damn low, especially since it cost $60 million to make and god knows how much to market. It’s one of the freshest and most original movies of the year and for some reason nobody is going to see it. For fucks sake a movie making fun of twilight beat it…thats just plain wrong. Take a look at this article from Vanity Fair and then go buy a damn ticket and see the movie. Here’s an excerpt from the article to get you thinking.

But really, the best reason to go see Scott Pilgrim is because it’s a good movie. It takes a stab at saying something honest in a new way, and has a lot of fun doing it. If you like that kind of thing, and would like to see more of it, please go and pay to see Scott Pilgrimright now. And if you don’t like it, I’ll forward you a really funny YouTube video about double rainbows. You can ROTFL. I’ll be at the theater.