Twilight: Eclipse Sinks its Fangs into DVD & Blu-Ray

The third installment in the Twilight saga hits home video tomorrow, and you have your options of purchasing it as a Blu-Ray, a DVD, or both.

The two-disc DVD contains Deleted & Extended Scenes, Audio Commentary, a “Making of” Documentary, Music Videos, and the ability to fast forward to all of your favorite supernatural guy’s scenes, whether your tastes lean more towards vampires or werewolves.
If you’re not a fan of the books or movies, then I’m not going to waste my time telling you to see this film.  Personally, I’m sick of explaining why I like the story to people who haven’t so much as read a single page.  Or are male.  Guys, you are not the target audience.  The world doesn’t revolve around you.  Get over it.

However, if you like the books and find the movies reasonably enjoyable, then Eclipse is a fine addition to the series.  The Cullens have a bit more screen time, the love triangle between Bella, Edward, and Jacob reaches a fever pitch, and an old enemy returns for revenge.

It’s not high-brow cinema and will never likely win any awards, but it’s a fun flick.  I’ve added it to my Christmas list since I own Twilight and New Moon already.

And, to whet your appetite a bit for next year’s Breaking Dawn, Glamour Magazine has posted a teaser image involving feathers.  Now, gals who have read the book know what THAT refers to.  Let’s just say . . .  a headboard gets damaged and a lot of pillows are torn during the honeymoon.  Sounds like my kind of fun!