It’s hard to believe it’s been almost a year since Transformer’s was released to theaters, and I know that personally, this bot was pleasantly suprised with how it turned out. Michael Bay films aren’t exactly known for character development and plots that make sense, but somehow, I think he managed to finally pull a good movie off and I’m glad that movie was Transformers.
Now the time has come for the sequel, which already began production just this last Monday, June 2nd, announcing actors, etc. and Transformers 2 Producer Don Murphy posted a link on his official message board that directs you to Reserve Result who is reporting that DreamWorks/Paramount has announced the official title for the sequel:
Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen
This was followed up by confirmation at Hasbro’s official site that this is in fact the official title to the sequel. Now, personally titles really don’t matter to me, I am more of a substance bot and think the movie will either be good or not, regardless of the title. But of course, the nerd community is already split on this, with some very up in arms about this. I do think it maybe sounds a little cheesy, but it is what is it, maybe Revenge of the Decepticons would have been a little cooler, but with reports of Jazz being on set and Megatron more than likely making a return (you can’t kill off Megatron in the first movie for good) it does make a little sense.
I really enjoyed the first movie, it was a lot of fun seeing Optimus Prime and the rest of the Autobots on the big screen in live action and having Peter Cullen voice Prime was gold. I only hope Bay can make number two great without “Baying it Up” with too much special effects and action and not enough plot or character development. It will certainly be interesting to watch the news as it is released (keeping in mind Bay specifically said he’d be releasing false information) and hope for the best!
Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen, a DreamWorks/Paramount film, is set to release June 26, 2009, Written by Alex Kurtzman, Roberto Orci, Ehren Kruger, and Stars Shia LeBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, John Turturro, Isabel Lucas, and Rainn Wilson